
Submission of all contributions: September 1st 2024 – December 1st 2024 – Submission is closed

Author notification: January 2025

Submission need to be prepared and uploaded using the submission template: 


Submissions will be done through EasyAcademia -click here for submission steps. 

Oral presentations 

We welcome oral presentations of research-based papers, as well as practical reports (e.g. simulation of a professional development situation, demonstration of materials, demonstration of e-learning support platforms, classroom materials, examples from implementations of activities, best teaching practices). Your proposal should outline:

(1) How the proposal relates to one of the four main tracks

(2) From which perspective (e.g. country-specific, target group-specific, context- or issue-specific) it will address the track

(3) Clearly describe the major outcomes/implications that will be presented

Proposals should be precise and include sufficient details and references for a critical review. Please keep in mind when planning/writing your proposal that it should also address the underlying purpose of STEM Education.

The length of the proposal must be up to 1000 words, including references, tables, and figures. Please consider using the following structure if applicable:

·       Purpose of the poster/presentation

·       Importance of the presented work

·       Theoretical perspectives linked to the contribution 

·       Methodology or description of the context

·       Findings, suggestions, and discussions

·       References


Poster Session

We welcome posters, either of a scientific nature or practical (e.g. simulation of a professional development situation, demonstration of materials, demonstration of e-learning support platforms, classroom materials, examples from implementations of activities, best teaching practices). Your proposal should outline:

(1) The work to be presented on the poster (who, what, etc.)

(2) How the poster relates to one of the four main topics;

(3) and if applicable from which perspective (e.g. country-specific, target group-specific, stakeholders, supporting institutions) it will address the topic.

Proposals should be precise and include sufficient details and references for a critical review. Please keep in mind when planning/writing your proposal that it should also address the underlying purpose of STEM Education.

The length of the proposal must be up to 500 words, including references, tables, and figures. Please consider using the following structure if applicable:

·       Purpose of the poster/presentation

·       Importance of the presented work

·       Theoretical perspectives linked to the contribution (only for scientific posters if applicable)

·       Methodology or description of the context (if applicable)

·       Findings, suggestions, and discussions

·       References (if applicable)



We welcome proposals for workshops  which actively involve participants. Workshops provide opportunities for participants to experience already designed classroom or PD materials for teachers or teacher educators,  or provide an opportunity for the participants to be involved in an idea-in-progress, get feedback from various stakeholders such as teachers policy makers, and other representatives, explore the feasibility, and adjust the design of proposed ideas by role-playing and direct tryouts.

Emphasize in your proposal the question or problem that participants will work on, and the way of working that they will experience. Please be aware that these sessions will be 60 minutes long and you will not have time for an extensive presentation, but should focus mostly on practical examples.

Your proposal should outline:

(1) How the proposal relates to one of the four main tracks

(2) from which perspective (e.g. country-specific, target group-specific, context- or issue-specific) it will address the conference topic.  

(3) Clearly describe the question or problem that participants will work on and  the way of working that they will experience.


The length of the proposal must be up to 500 words including references, tables, and figures.  Please consider using the following structure:

·       Purpose of the workshop/co-creation space

·       Added value of the workshop/co-creation space

·       Theoretical perspectives linked to the contribution

·       Description of the context (i.e. brief description of what will be included during the session)

·       References (if applicable) 

Examples to illustrate the ideas of workshops 

Example 1:
Title: How to use ChatGPT in sustainability education?
This workshop will illustrate the use of ChatGPT and similar AI tools to enhance sustainability education. Participants will learn about specialized versions of ChatGPT that access research data on environmental issues, enabling the conduct of life cycle assessments (LCA) and carbon footprint calculations. The session will provide practical classroom applications, such as performing LCAs on everyday products to illustrate their environmental impact from production to disposal and methods to calculate and compare the carbon footprints of various activities, helping students identify more sustainable practices.
We will also focus on the critical evaluation of AI-generated information. Attendees will learn best practices for formulating precise queries to obtain accurate and relevant information from ChatGPT. Moreover, the workshop will emphasize the importance of reviewing AI content critically, including techniques to cross-reference data, assess its credibility, and consider the context in which it is presented.

Example 2:
Title: Including Visually Impaired Students in STEM Education with 3D Printing
This workshop will explore how 3D printing can be used to include visually impaired students in STEM education. The session will begin with a brief introduction to 3D printing technology and its applications within the STEM field-
The focus will then shift to practical examples of how 3D printing can be effectively used in the classroom. Participants will learn how to create simple Braille-labeled educational materials, enabling visually impaired students to access and interact with the same content as their peers. Additionally, the workshop will cover the development of tactile models and diagrams, allowing students to feel and understand complex concepts that are often visual in nature.


  • Submission of all contributions: September 1 – December 1st 2024
  • Author Notification: January 2025
  • Early Registration Deadline: March 20, 2025
  • Late Registration Opens: March 21, 2025
  • Schedule Release Date: April 2025
  • Conference Days: May 8-9, 2025

Submission steps

  • Create an “EasyAcademia” account through
  • Activate your account by clicking on the activation link sent to your email.
    Note: Please check your Spam folder if you have not received the email within a few minutes.
  • Log into using the login details you provided at the beginning.
  • Click on Start a new submission on the top right to enter the submission process.
Mark Sixma